Saturday, March 20, 2010


I mentioned before that my host brothers don’t usually talk to me much beyond hola, buenos dias, etc. So I was surprised the other day when Polo came into the kitchen and started asking me how I was doing. I told him that I’ve just been in Spanish class all day and he asked me if it was hard to learn and I said yes but much easier to learn it this way while I’m living here and have to practice all the time. He said he’s learning English in school and that it’s very hard, which I agreed with, and especially because you have to reform a sentence to make it a question instead of just changing your tone. (I forgot to mention that you can just say question mark? after anything.) So then he started playing me the English songs he likes from his phone. And the first song he played was Human by The Killers. Which was hilarious for me because that song is kind of an inside joke between me, my mom, and Mollie. So I got really excited and told him how I went to a Killers concert in August with my sister. He was saying that he likes the songs but he doesn’t know what they’re saying, so I listened to Human later and wrote out the lyrics for him. And I translated them roughly into Spanish with Pablo’s help. He seemed happy when I gave him the lyrics and this morning while he was sweeping the house I heard him singing Human.

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